Friday 6 July 2012

Things that happened today.

Guess what? I'm home!!  >.<

Lucky me,
Something happened to me today. While I’m getting ready KO, there’re some people came to my room.  At first, I thought they were sellers but.. they were promoters. They came from Malacca. It kind of interested so I invited them to my room. Unexpectedly, they have coupons of Melaka Wonderland and Wild Life Theatre Melaka. They said that they exclusively came here to promote just for UITM Segamat’s students. I thought they just promoting by ‘talking’ but they did it in convince me to buy those coupons. Do you want to know the price? RM29.90. If I’m not mistaken, for both place the total of buy 1 free 1’s coupons are almost RM1000!! Those are including snacks and tube rental’s coupons!! Awesome right!!  Please don’t be jealous.  XD Furthermore, these coupons are valid until the end of this year. I still have semester break to go there~ hahaha

unlucky me,
Today in Ko.. huh.. actually, these are normal things happen to KO students every weeks right.” PUNISHMENT”. Ergh!!

Just because of the ‘people’ that do not come to KO, we need to take their responsibility by getting the punishment. The commander and the board members always said “ONE BAND ONE SOUND” ya right.. But why not just punish them ONLY?? Their reason = why don’t all of you remind them to come to KO? It’s not our fault that they want to come home early. If they want to come home, there’re no reasons for us to stop them. They will just go home even though we say “Please don’t go home..”  As demonstration of the punishment, we played live COUNTER STRIKE. It’s so childish. The punishment will be continued. There’ll be next week!!?? Oh my.. T.T

Next Friday, the punishment will be playing the “galah panjang” game. You laugh right??
Please save me then..

p/s  There’re no one in room D261 Baiduri. It's dark!!!

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