Thursday 19 July 2012


I love music, that is why I'm joining Segamat Cadet Corps Band. The other reason was because of I HATE MARCHING.

"Before you joining SCCB, you should know that SCCB is about commitment. If you don't have it, never ever be here. You'll sacrifice everything include your rest time."

That is what they told me in the first place. So, I wonder what going to happen to me then.
I'll never imagine that these things will become worst day by day.

Past this 3 semesters when there is event, I came. Every day of training even tomorrow there will be quiz or test. I'll come. Even I'm saying I don't want to come. I came.. It's about commitment right?
Who do you think I'm when all of you do that to me?
If you want me to appreciate and respect you, you should do the same first right?

This make me laugh. do you know why?
Others mistake are your mistakes. That is why you'll punish too. The same punishment and the same pain. It is all yours.

Last Thursday was the worst day ever. For the first time I'm crying hard because of their unfairness.
They only think about their feelings. They only think about their pains. They don't think about our feeling, our pain and our commitment.
Worst, "I wouldn't apologize to all of you". Do you think I'll forgive you? huh! 

My commitment is just for band!! argh!! This is the last KO, please give me STRENGHT!!

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