Saturday 28 July 2012

A little story..

It's been a week of fasting. hmm.. There're more weeks to be here in UITM Segamat!!
It's kind of lonely here. Why? Doesn't  it great to be home in this Ramadhan? Sure it does!!
By the way, I hope everything will get better from time to time.. >.<

Em, wait!! There is something interesting happen last Friday. I think all of you know what I'm saying about. Of course it is about my favorite band!! XD
About punishment, there is none. Yeay!!
Maybe it is because of fasting month and luckily, we get back early. Fuhh!!
But as a precaution, I'm already ask my friend, Qirin to buy food. Thanks a lot!!Love you always!! <3

O,before that, the interesting things that I'm saying earlier is the seniors of brass band do something unexpected?? Maybe they didn't have anything to do. Em, I'll call them as A and K. This A hit K with light bulb!! Can you imagine, the scary sound and the pain of being hit? The long light bulb broke into pieces. ergghh!! It's scary when I'm imagining it back.  T.T
This action was being done while we lined up. Maybe they do it just for fun. Actually, all my male seniors behavior are like kids. So, please understand. We can't expect what they might do. It's just happen. =.="

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